Scenergy #02
31 декабря 1999

Lits - Pussy: the history of creation of the famous game from the Fatality.

<b>Lits</b> - Pussy: the history of creation of the famous game from the Fatality.
      Pussy - History of the Making

 The reason for writing this story
was that we finish off requests
prosvyatit audience on "How to Fatality
makes such cool toys and so on. "
I think after this writing,
issues will be less, and the hottest
our fans:) will take over at last
concrete work, and go on our already
slightly beaten, track :)...

   So, in order for our new game:

 The text shows how a particular report
work done on how
everything was created. Since the Pussy not yet
ready, I'll add this new text
content as the creation of our game.
This, I decided to do that after the
Pussy issue we've already had prepared a story
and that in fact would get: Write, write yes


 To begin with: after the release of a prank
entitled "White Eagle" Our energy is not
faded:) and grew into unquenchable
flame. We have three days thinking "something would be a
to do? ". Senya showed us Freeman'om
puzzle game on the console Game Boy.
The game was there made so
primitive, which Freeman said: "If you do not
will bloat - do it for a week. "No
bloat has not done ...
 After skonvertili schedule
Freeman wrote the engine for the game. Yes,
What about the engines and conversion: The most frequent
questions we asked was:
"As you are so cool graphics envelope, and
"As Freeman writes such slaughter engines.
Details will not be responsible, engines and
Graphics are not my element, but briefly explain:

1. After the conversion chart is exposed
severe revision, and editing is done
on the Speccy. As is not a cool program
for conversion, without human hands are not

2. I do not know what Freeman wrote such
Engines:), can he answer, or
publish the source code of "White Eagle". I
say only one thing: Sharpen AT ALL
SPEED. Roma even in poll puts Claudia
Team JP C, but not JR C, :)...

 At the time I wrote the music. Little
poraspryagayus: (my favorite topic:) -
Some comrades listened to my Mouzon
(Originals on Amigo and my modifications
Amiga Mouzon on the Speccy) say that I am
I use the converter ... I declare with full
Liability - I do not recognize CONVERTERS
Substitute Sample - IT
LAMERSTVO. (Of course the same for lamerstvo
musician, if the person does not have ears, but
he needed music for their games -
conversion of one of the possible solutions).
 All music in the Pussy, I wrote only a rumor
(Selection from the tape) the only thing I
afford (one Mouzon) - recorded
him on the channels (each channel separately).
Simply, I believe that if I became
convertible music, then just lazy and
my level has dropped ...

 Ok:), we continue to Pussy ...

 Ars sat down to a set of levels. Conversion
levels has been for us this scourge: Senia
convertible level (envelopes so:
windsurfing launch emulsion Speccy (in one
window) in another - the emulsion Game Boy. In
level editor for Pussy (By Freeman)
fills Level, periodically glancing
to the original:). But the problem
was that the algorithm Freeman'a,
and original prog had minor differences
:). Because of these "minor" differences in levels
proved impassable, Freeman wrote
Patches cursing at the same time last Senya
words. (Just at the very beginning
Senja said Roma is: "Do you see the game - write
engine, and then We will understand:) "will depart from the
themes, and give advice to all GameMaker'am: DO
Knowing precisely NOT WRITE ALGORITHM Engines
- No problem oberetes.

 Most our biggest problem (with leveled)
arose when the engine was completely
debugged and typed something like 30 levels
- Senya found in the game a fourth type
door:). Understand the alignment: First, we
thought that the doors of three ... Well, Freeman and
led them to two bits ... :) Because of this
Gluck had to drop all the levels where
is the fourth door.

 Priznatsya honestly, I have great respect for Senya
what he has done a Herculean labor:
was about 80 levels in the original
game ... I saw the level at number 84 ...
My logic is powerless in front of him ... Of course,
I do not dispute that such donors as the Giver or
Diver would go through the whole game is not even
choking, and would be explained to us, simple
mortal, like all pass:). BUT ...
Everything turned out how it happened. In
our version has 50 levels.
 Then Freeman nakodiroval Bonus Level.
When I saw him, then nearly ofigel:
Full-fledged game. But for the Roma is a trifle
negligible ... :).

 Freeman periodically tortured me with
music, all the juice squeezed out, I wrote in a Pussy
A total of more than 20 Mouzon ...
By the way, remembered joke. One Sunday
morning, after two days of shirking
my direct responsibility:) I woke up
a loud knock at the door. Somehow I got up
stretched and otpihivaya feet empty
bottles of beer went to open it. On
threshold stood Freeman. With a big sack.
Entering the room he looked around, pohmykal and
started to count the empty bottles. Then,
apparently he got tired, Roma
opened the package and pulled out of the back-four
bottles, but complete. With a cry Rulez!!! I
grabbed one, and opened its sprawling
Nearby opener, blew up the bottom is not
looking up:).
 And here is cunning Freeman says: Mast, and
music you wrote?, three Mouzon 50
Level is not enough ... Well I started talking
their standard phrases such as that from the time
my "Rainbow Dreams" did not rulnogo
composed, so in my head there, etc. ;)
 In general, it was decided to include Amig'u and
pozapisyvat out Mouzon on the tape.
Of course, it was easier to tear out the necessary and
loaded-zit in PT3, but I have 1 meg
ChipMemory and no ripper.

 The whole trick with Amigo. I have it
connected to the mono-recorder
"Spring-309-1," he polurazobrannom
state and plays only when it
stuknesh good for the body:).
 Well, all the kerf, Amiga works, but mofon
silent. We were beaten, thrashed, it was
kidanut his proposal on the wall, but
then alert Roma noticed that
mofone not burn food:).
 Roma, imagined himself as a steep zhelezyachnikom
says it all and he tops up to 1 sec
everything right. Helpful picking. Wires
mixing, fumbling, and then took a piece of
wire and replaced the fuse it:).
Cut in, says this device, everything is OK
 Kerf. The lamp is lit, mofon not plow
:). Freeman is not thinking long it takes to
hands and begins to search for the fault:
 I was searching so - previously
crossing licks the main board
: - (). Thus, by the language of spear:) we
forced to make this miracle of technology:) and
Mouzon recorded.

 28/02/1999 (Sunday), after a stormy
booze (Saturday, on my birthday)
we went to Freeman'om Ars'u
convertible graphics from the movie "Titanic" to
this time Freeman has made a Final

 Conversion charts with this fucking
blockbuster is a separate conversation. We
had the following Hardware - Senin stump
(K62-300), and Vidic Senina friend.
Vidic is generally cool. being not quite
Senin sober friend dropped poor
apparatus from the second floor:). Then someone
pukusal on Vydac cover (looks like it is
bitten, leave such traces on the cover
can only be someone's uneven teeth:).
Vidic periodically buggy, would not
to give the cassette, and when we are out of anger
struck him on the case, dirty swearing
beat Senya shock, and once even
turned off.
 Envelopes scheduled from 12.00 to 22.30 :-().
I almost died. I'm such a buggy Vidic
would not wish even my enemy. When he
reproduced without the interference we needed
Animation (which was very rare), we
enjoyed as children. Goes on a smoke break
we have long begged Vidic, so it is not
buggy, then Senya gave it to cool,
unplugged from the outlet, and we clean
conscience went to smoke


 At about 3 I called and learned from Freeman'u
him some interesting news: it is planned
write the second Bonus Level. At first I
took this idea a hostile reception, but after thinking
decided not to argue. So how to do it
nothing, I went to Roma writing in the second
Bonus Level Mouzon. Subject took Dandy.
Mouzon wrote for half an hour, the primitive,
simplest country. But Freeman for some reason
strongly zafanoval of this music (?) and
shouted Rulez:).

 Finally got to do Ars'u
animations. Hells WORK! Trees, like me
zadrala buggy Wind'a! - Animal, not
may, without glitches record 200 megs AVI
:). And this fucking video! it while in Gif
Editor uspeesh overtake a pack of cigarettes
 The worst thing that we did not even know what
will be animations. Nakonvertiv about seven
videos and a bunch of screenshots, we started
think, by what method it all on display
Speccy. Output frames from the movie "Titanic"
chunks - this is a direct insult to
film, I Dumas, if James Cameron
made his animation chunk, the Oscar for
Special Effects Titanic could only get
from well intentioned Spektrumistov :-)

 First was the idea of ​​interlaced video
(Such as the beginning of a Refresh), but thought
We decided that in the first place:

1. This video requires a lot of disk space
and not work on all drives.

2. With the screw the game will not be loaded because of

 Experimented for a long time (about five
hours), we agreed that our
case will be steeper than just make a video with
three shades of gray (achieved by
use the second screen). In
result - a whole day of work - one
pyatnadtsatikadrovaya skonverchennaya Animation
:). But it looks pretty good.


 Yeah, a lot of water, but rather vodka flowed under the bridge
from the moment when I made efforts
to write our game ... But Freeman vain
time is not lost: for this time of the light
there were - 1. Animation before Bonus-level,
2. Game over part. Roma also has developed
completely new processing algorithm
dvuhskrinovogo video. This algorithm
allows you to virtually get rid of

 Also today, we again went to Ars'u
convertible schedule. Already skonvercheny all
images (except the last one - a drowning
Titanic:) and skonvercheno about 40 screenshots
from the movie. The exact number I do not
considered, since the order was tired - sat 7
hours at the computer screen: (
 Work is nearing completion:) -
it remains only to complete the animation, writing
Intro and Final cut. I think in the end
April unreleased!
 P.S. Recently we gathered at the "fatal
Board "- the question was the same: what to do
After Pussy. Unanimously adopted
solution: Fantastic Dizzy ('ll convertible
with Amigi). Tak chto:

             Coming Soon!!!


 Today released a joke - Coming soon
Pussy. Watch all three and a minus.
Digitization is sharpening sounds. But
Text Ars filled fairly well, there are about
something to think about:). Plan to end
April release prerelease.

 Today I drove to MadMaXi Ars'u.
Each of his case. I need to write
nove and participate in the release of La Drugs
Bust, and Max came to eat and share
with the passage compact:). About the evening
to the Seine called Freeman, and said that
need to be translated into English text
about the Titanic.
 Russian text went very well, but
because of some deficiency of our
knowledge of English had
use machine translation.
Transferred. Then he worshiped and shared the
opinion that "It seems to be no literature ...".
The best test of literary -
transfer the case back to the Russian
(Machine translation) ... which was
 Here is the resulting text without changes:

 A long time ago ... October 15, 1912
deviated in the "Around the World" tour
the biggest ship in history.
Only for very IMORTANT people was
open (open) method to have fallen
directly to the first person to entrust the lives of
giant SEA. And the title (name) from this
variant design of the best minds
humanity was a "colossal" ...

 ... The young artist, LEONARDO, was
LARGLY lucky to win vibrobulavy
ticket to the colossal. It is understood that this
completely change (replace) all his life.
America ... one word in the soul of Leo
broke for freedom, broke ... He did not
but he knew that he expects forward
 ... A young girl, Kate, following a desire to
wealthy mother has promotion
travel to the colossal, together with
future husband. Within this total raging
of indignation, she could not imagine
life with this FUCKING cross between ...

 And even a kind of colossal caused
its just indignation.

 - And a named colossal? normal
Tank! ..

 :))))) - Most of all I pinned
the last phrase :)))) Still, what we
obsalyutno not understand - how could roundnose
GLOSSARY: Replace the word Poker
Vibrobulava?? - Mystery of nature. Yes,
obviously we'll have to find a comrade who
an excellent knowledge of English, and then ...

 Suchilos unexpected. Freeman gave
your PC at Dien turbirovanie :((((.
(Let me explain: dienes Victor. Zhelezyachnik.
turbiruet components either for money or for
beer or vodka ekvyuvalente. Very
likes to drink. Can drink vodka while standing, lying down,
sitting in general as you like. Diene not sober
saw no one.:) - But seriously, the Vitek
very helpful guy, but he very much
slowly all the repairs:).

 According to his explanation Freeman'a lifted
slow scrolling in a laugh. Roma says
that it encodes faster than the time to laugh
proskrollirovat text to the left. Let me explain:
Freeman wrote the code by a colon: - ()


 Comp still turbiruetsya:). According to Freeman
He has already traveled to the diene, but do nothing
I could not, because he was not in the mood
that a turbo. Freeman breaks and mosques,
said Diene put on the counter
(-100.000 Hares per day - about $ 0.25)
I hope that these draconian measures
Diene senses and complex will be ready to
tomorrow evening.


 E-mine ... a month has passed ... For this
time were made by all geymovye animations,
left menu, Final Cut, and animations to
final battles. AND EVERYTHING!! Also accepted
decision to make Pussy a commercial game.
Instead prerelease will be a demo version to
people were able to estimate the din. The full game will be
is presented as both at once
(Likely to CC'999).


 YEEAAHHH!!! We did a demo version! This
Product zanimaer 666 Sectors:) -
Fatal deme! Freeman also completed the
Animation to Final Cut. The guys from the DR
asked to make a version for Pussy
magazine "Scenergy". Honestly, I have
almost do not believe in the emergence of this
creation. According to recent rumors he will be
take five discs (1 disc magazine and 4
drive application). Official Release
appointed 27/05/1999 - wait, sir:)


 Yeah ... how much time has passed! y
Freeman'a begun and already coming to an end
session, Ars sezdit had to go out
travel, and I wrote a dozen
Mouzon:). Despite the session Freeman
almost completed Final cut (left translation
text in english, but with these troubles, so
as our interpreter went to America
work, and spindles are not earlier than after 3
months). Raver'a have to ask:). But
we can still finish it before the end of Pussy!

Other articles:

AOSS - "The scene is sick" experiences Random'a.

AOSS - Raver discusses stsenovoy journalism.

AOSS - an analytical article on the music scene from Andy Fer.

AOSS - how easy is it to be the organizer of the group?

AOSS - On journals (thinking aloud).

AOSS - on the example of the canons of demoscene magazine Deja Vu # 9.

AOSS - Today and Tomorrow domestic demoscene.

AOSS - Spectrum banner network.

Charts - all time favorites.

Charts - current rules (fall edition 1999).

Charts - indexed.

Charts - voting rules.

Coding - 16-bit procedure is fast exponentiation.

Coding - Flying is makrobiblioteku: Memory Management Library.

Coding - Texture Mapping - Implementation of SaiR00S/EI.

Coding - Texture mapping + Phong shading implementation of the Senat / Eternity Industry.

Coding - ZXA library: a library for creating and playing animations.

Coding - A bug in the STS?

Coding - Comments to the sources, published in Scenergy # 1

Coding - the libraries of programming on the Spectrum.

Coding - The principle of packing animations in the demo JAM.

Coding - procedure for rapid multiplication.

Coding - parsing intro Daingy from Cryss / Razzlers.

Demo Party - Cafe'2000: Official invitation

Demo Party - CC999.999 information (eng).

Demo Party - D-Man/EI: Report on Di: Halt: 99.

Demo Party - Hartman: report CC'999.

Demo Party - Maxwell and Mr. John: report CC'999.

Demo Party - Merlin / CC: Report CC'999.

Demo Party - Paradox'99 - as it was, but it would be better if he mUst dIe!!!

Demo Party - PHAT'9: list of visitors.

Demo Party - POL / PHT: report Doxycon '99.

Demo Party - Random / CC: volumetric report CC'999.

Demo Party - SerzhSoft: Legend of the CC'999.

Demo Party - Zlincon 2e3 party: minireportazh.

Demo Party - information about the upcoming party PHAT'0.

Demo Party - Information on demoparti CC999.999.

Demo Party - unofficial results Di: Halt'99 with comments Diver'a.

Demo Party - an overview of demoscene 1999.

Demo Party - report the organizers CAFe'99.

Demo Party - Press release Latvian demopati PHAT'9.

Demo Party - an invitation to Latvia demopati PHAT'9.

Demo Party - a story about a trip to Kazan on Antares CAFe'99

Demo Party - Results CC.999.999

Demo Party - Results CC999.999.

Demo Party - the results of Chaos Construction 999.

Demo Party - Results Computer Art Festival 1999.

Demo Party - Results Doxycon'99.

Demo Party - Results Millenium Party.

Demo Party - Results Paradox'2k demoparty.

Demo Party - Results of the Latvian demopati PHAT'9.

Demo Party - the results of the Rostov party Paradox'99.

Demo Party - reportage Gasman'a with Forever 2e3.

Demo Party - a report from Minsk demopati Millennium'2000.

Demo Party - final results Forever 2E3.

Editorial - Opening remarks by Arty.

Editorial - vystupitelnoe word from Random.

Editorial - pens Raver'a entitled "Scenes."

Groups - survey of operating groups: Amaltiya Incoropration Software.

Groups - survey of operating groups: Antares.

Groups - survey of operating groups: Ascendancy Creative Labs.

Groups - survey of operating groups: Crushers.

Groups - survey of operating groups: E-mage.

Groups - survey of operating groups: Eternity Industry.

Groups - survey of operating groups: Excess team.

Groups - survey of operating groups: Extreme Entertainment.

Groups - survey of operating groups: Fatality.

Groups - survey of operating groups: Jupiter 77.

Groups - survey of operating groups: Proxima Centauri.

Groups - survey of operating groups: RaZZLeRs.

Groups - survey of operating groups: RUSH.

Groups - survey of operating groups: Smash Hackers Band.

Illegal Corner - Razzlers justified for the release of the demo First Association.

Illegal Corner - Scenergy Release Charts - Competition crack.

Illegal Corner - Welcome to Scenergy Release Charts (SRC).

Illegal Corner - softografiya Fatality Group.

Lits - Pussy: the history of creation of the famous game from the Fatality.

Lits - Scenergized beyond the belief.

Lits - speed.

Lits - History of Education Association Rostov PartyZans.

Lits - the story of the game "White Eagle - Comrade known."

Lits - the story of how Fatality produces toys.

Mail Box - letter: Ellvis and Fatality happy Scenergy # 1, Ulterior defy Antares and BrainWave, Realtimer disappointed.

News - Doom'a will not!

News - Virtual pati Millennium, X-Raizor returned to the stage, Andrew Fer organized a new group, the failure of the German party Spectrology, news from 3SC, Zero Team, Extreme.

News - The view of Megus'a dentro compo SS'2000.

News - News from the OHG, Delta Hackers Group, Die Crupps, Volgodonsk spektrumisto and from a group SpeedWay.

Scenergy - addresses to communicate with the editors.

Scenergy - thanks to the sponsors of the magazine.

Scenergy - new in the shell of the journal.

Scenergy - the promised video articles will not ...

VIP - Random interviews Unbel! Ever / Sage / XTM.

VIP - The most noble tale of the scene.

VIP - an interview with Arny and Mythos, the creators of Elite clone game Awaken.

VIP - An interview with Fatality, widely known and crackers Game Maker

VIP - an interview with one of the authors of the game Elite.

VIP - an interview with one of the most progressive artists in the Spectrum Diver/4D.

VIP - interviews with Random'a some PC-magazine

Warez Pack - description of Inertia Player.

Warez Pack - description of the demo 1140.

Warez Pack - description of the import demo 'no work'.

Темы: Игры, Программное обеспечение, Пресса, Аппаратное обеспечение, Сеть, Демосцена, Люди, Программирование

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