Scenergy #02
31 декабря 1999

Demo Party - Maxwell and Mr. John: report CC'999.

<b>Demo Party</b> - Maxwell and Mr. John: report CC'999.
Author's vocabulary and spelling retained.
(C) Maxwell c comments Mr. John'a

    Technology insys / Ulyanovsk

 MXL: So, Designs Haosa'99 still held! Any
talked about the event: the fact that it will not, and that he
completed as Enlight'97. I especially remember the reason MMA
with a phrase such as 'Do not want to give CC FT!' and that 
immediately attacked the evil uncles:)) Praise the Almighty, 
that they proven wrong! Everything went exceptionally well, if 
not take four broken windows (two stones from the street at 
night broke some bastards, one of the drafts, but still over one

seems Barabashka worked):), two sleepless nights for us
(The organizers will not sleep) and a heap of money spent ... 
Personally I liked it and I did not regret that I went!

john> I do too!

 MXL: It's coming to you instead:) and now look through the 
eyes of participants, that is me (Maxwell) and Mr.John 'as 
well. Once a reservation: there is little information on how 
clears up party. All still not yet in a newspaper or a magazine 
you read about it. But here is the story of the so-called hidden

part (for some reason, such events are always all kinds of 
publications bypassed), though he did not obtain a global, as

thought, but there is a fairly detailed story of how 14
people get to the station after the second day! :)
Hopefully it will be interesting! :) So ...

                       Construction of Chaos


 MXL: ... all we have left from his hometown of Ulyanovsk and 
headed direction in which it was planned to hold a 'party of all

times and the people Chaos Constructions'. I'll tell you in 
advance no doubt his consistency, as has long been settled down 
in irc on to analog # z80 and managed to talk with anyone who 
had anything What to do with organizing this event. That means

we're going ... In principle, the road was dull, except for a 
couple moments: when the train pulled out and followed us 
Faster and Groove they shouted something like 'Say hello to 
something and so something' I You can say snatched from the 
hands of Groov'a bottle of beer and promise that it will reach 
Peter put her into her bag! (A promise we kept, and drank it in 
St. Petersburg):) As our way lay through Moscow, we 
simultaneously turned to MagiC'u, robbed He ROM 4k intro from 
Exploder'a (monster of some but not man):) bite and moved on to 
St. Petersburg ... 

 john> y Magic'a we were last year ago when the went
on FT'98, over the past year, Viktor appeared very "nice"
dog named Chip, if she gets up on his hind legs its growth
almost equal to mine (my height 1 meter 86 centimeters), it 
increases when degree in half a year, and now this little dog 
was trying to rape my bag :-) but it seemed likely that little, 
and she (on!) attempted to encroach upon the honor of my right 
foot :-) but thank God of Magic drove a brazen creature of the 
room. I personally do not to know how tall this dog will grow, 
but nasleduschy year unlikely to go to Victor a visit :-) and 
the meeting will negotiate over the phone :-)

                       Construction of Chaos

                (First day: this is only the beginning)

 john> Last of the following items for four days, more or less 
normal held the night ...

 MXL: Morning ... Breakfast on the train ... Station ... The 
branch of Subway, torn in the middle (because our people are 
making money from air) ... School ... On the approach to it, we 
hitched to clothes cards to find us, but they are in principle 
not needed: do not come on time, as he heard the cries of type:

'Long time no see how to get' (a) Elf'Chasm / CPU; '@ # $ your
mother, whom I see '(c) MMA,' you greetings from Lissa's kiss 
is not will '(c) Prof and all in the same spirit found that:

    - Random left behind a projector,

    - Arty from associates has not yet arrived,

    - The image will be black and white because of problems 
with the connection 

      Spectrum to the projector (well at least the second day 
it was 

      in color).

 john> before the party, we decided with our pofotkatsya
old and new friends, chat, MMA is something hovered around
us, rushing to school, then running out of her ... here by 
accident :-) :-) walked past the porch Chasm and 
zagovorscheskim voice said "To drink go?" :-) ... Well, we went 
with Max and ... but we were (Chasm, Elf, Vanek / Cpu and ...

 MXL: In the field of view were the guys from Belarus (the 
notorious Wolf and Raul Pavlov) Reporters from the magazine 
Adventurer (how loud sounds!):) immediately took (trying :-) 
all interviews under Vodka and snacks (I think it was the first 
bottle of CC ', but as neboyalis all repeat all the E97 was 
surprisingly cultural!) people are coming, the crowd were seen 
with Frunze camera, pc division of Eternity Industry, Wlodek

(Organizer FT98), which the MMA immediately uploaded on the full
program about the conduct FT'2000 (I personally for! in Moscow 
and to go closer and party should hold in late August when all

exams, diplomas handed and not so hot! and even better if 
Concern Chaos and Wlodek combine their efforts!) Finally, all 
launched in school, where each Sodra ... GHM! collected for 50 
rubles, given leaves and missed the gym. I asked him to show me 
Prof'a Random'a ...

 john> I therefore turned over to Dimanu Menyaylovu and he told 
me pointed to the guy in the red shirt who was sitting next to 
him ... 

 MXL: ... since I have not had time to notice it and ... is I
just walked past him! Short hair and unshaven
made it unrecognizable. :) Here sitting Vova Hex and jtn
I have known from irc, Antares, Real Masters and a bunch
People ... Arty appeared on the scene and urged everyone to 
come to computer and check their work and, if necessary

and register them. Start running all sorts of demos of new
toys (especially look good Awaken, and Materna game
FullShit all just killed outright. For some reason, began to
pritormazhivat Journal Adventurer # 9, although at home I have 
all the works just fine) well, as always, was not without delays

and we Chasm'om time to go get a beer with lemonade, the very 
same party started somewhere in 14:30 (compared to 12:00 as 
promised).  Party started and here we are broken off abruptly 
with the Digital-music, as in the info said it would be

SoundDrive (under which we have brought the music), and the 
latest version sudden mention of the SD disappeared, but 
neither the Internet nor Fido the latest version of the rules 
no one saw me as a motor, you know where pacing the room and 
tried to somehow fix situation ...

 john> I found Mike Blum'a, but he did not try to help us
nothing we have not come ...

 MXL: ... and not the music began at the GS-Ke ... so the 
components do not took place, and Rend apologized, I hope that 
at least for CC'000 this does not happen again!

                       Construction of Chaos

             (The night of the third on a 4-e: type hidden part)

 Ended the first day ...

 john> first day of the party, but the evening has just begun, 
still was yet to come! :-)

 MXL: ... Someone went to a friend's apartment, someone 
somewhere else, but many stayed overnight at the school, the 
benefit organizers allowed. But to start all asked to leave the 
school building to 23:00 ...

 john> because it was time for dinner, we decided to go for
products with us were three CPU'ushnikov (Chasm, Elf, Vanek), 
and Paul Pavlov (Wolf disappeared somewhere to drink with 
someone vodka), the first victim of our raid was a 
super-mini-mini-super-market nearby, (rather it is we have 
become the victim) :-). then we run into this nepoymi-that 
passed between the counters with Food and realized that the 
market is not for us ... and headed to the exit. Here to us on 
all sides in the run up aunty firmovyh robes and asked to show 
the interior of our bags (Okazyvaetsya "baggage" he had to 
leave at the entrance to the "chamber storage "). We had 
otmazyvatsya that supposedly" We ourselves are not Local ... 
.:) Aunty were apprehensive and sent back to the guards, who 
have already chosen us, let us go with the world and giving a 
couple of "tips". ... Go out and Once around the booths people 
Zatar vodka. On the other side of the street was annotated 
another super-duper-muper-market is not very tough species, 
above which rose a poster, which was says that here the 
cheapest products, and may be cheaper only be a gift ... here 
we Zatar provisions and went back ...

 MXL: ... have returned to school, got to meet the second batch
walkers and we tried to wrap back to the stores, what they
was our answer - "we"! A good school yard! Sat on
tunnels, where athletes typically press pump, immediately came
St. Petersburg, headed by Dmitry Menyaylovym (he kept repeating
- "St. Petersburg's drinking from the bottle" and after 
"demonstration performances" dryh backstage sleep like the 
dead):) and the process has begun ... little refreshed:) 
someone has to call on some of the lake, but decided postponed 
until a trip to an indefinite time, we were allowed to school 

 john> we went to the gym, I saw a piano and decided to 
pomuchat, me to the instrument came Chasm and seeing his 
expressed desire to play, I relented and returned to the 
others. A Chasm started something play softly, and he pretty 
well and I thought that Chasm studied at the School of Music. I 
myself have learned, but drop dead do not know how to play. Elf 
turned to us and said that Chasm sober when the piano is not 
suitable to play on it is not can (!?), all prikolnulis about 
this, because Chasm really played great. Then Chasm had 
disappeared (and all were only waiting for his parasite, as the 
warming fluid was a him. Paul Pavlov kept saying - "We have 
been with him!" Someone copied the work (eg MXL) :-), amizhniki 
conjured over komputerom (watch demos on the PC and wrote a CD 
on Amiga and loudly indignant if anyone in their opinion too 
loudly passed on stage) and were preparing for the second day, 
some stacked sleep, we sat and waited Chasm'a finally I found 
it on porch of the school where he hunted with the Petersburg 
stories. It was decided move from room to a more intimate 
environment suitable for drinking of alcoholic beverage. By the 
way, we caught one room, where we saw the following picture: at 
the party dryhli (or trying to sleep) LX, GoBLiN / BeermanZ and 
Digital Brain and Pyrodex of Eternity Industry. On the table 
were scattered remnants held a feast, but when uttered magic 
drink you? "they got woken up:) We got our provisions

and poured vodka. Hidden part can be said has been in full
swing, reporters from Adventurer'a represented Chasm'a started 
to take intervyu, MXL held the microphone and tossed it from one

side to another and back again ... (Very interesting that the 
same there turned on the tape). Reporters moved to Paul

Pavlov'u and became interested in creative plans. Paul
began to talk about the new Zelda project (such as conversion
igruhi with GameBoy'a), there appeared in the doorway of MMA 
and was attached to the We ... The door opened a crack again 
and went Arty, all together offered him a drink, but he refused 
to justify that Tomorrow he has to lead second day of the 
party. After spending two minutes with us he was gone. MMA 
listening Paul'a something started talking about the code Speck 
and Gemboya, and then it all turned into a dispute about 
whether it is possible and whether or not convertible toys in 
general and what to do with the code and more something ... Max 
was sitting between them at all and could not keep flip the 
microphone. :) In the midst of the dispute burst into the 
office Frunze, an assistant and started to shoot all the show 
on video. Then came Wolf pretty drunk and tried too something

to say about Zelda, but then just as suddenly disappeared, as
appeared (later all of this action certainly would be
seen on the videotape) ...

 MXL: ... Oh, and discredit it was filmed! Only I
cigarette in his mouth busy high-speed slicing sausage which
stand! :) Frunze in his inimitable manner, circled with
camera around the table, took off like it there - still life (in
!), Then climb to the attic is almost poked his
a video camera in his face, but we tried not to pay attention 
and continued to do what came: for the future of the Spectrum! 
Hurrah! Bulka! for all the good! Hurrah! Bulka!

 john> We have tried to take Max and intervyu something
bellowed into the microphone, we shut up, then there's Frunze 
with your video landed and took off as we published 
incomprehensible sounds in a recorder ... Vanek of the SRU has 
asked a full glass of vodka. Inquiring, and not whether he will 
carry the attic Shasm said that he always drank. :) Vanya 
poured into a glass (and then the next morning all CPU'ushniki 
Vankovskie looking shoes for the whole school, but he could not 
recall where they left). Frunze went off and we continued: 
During the meeting! Bulka! For unity! Bulka! Bulka! Bulka! 
Bulka! and now Chasm lying somewhere in a corner of the table 
and softly snoring, we started chatting with Max on the board, 
Paul Pavlov sold us bellorusskie tugriks leaving to them his 
autograph ... EI and Beermans lay down to sleep, Elf began to 
prepare the desk to sleep, I also pushed myself a couple of 
tables, but I'm still not sleep like the three of us 
(I-Mr.John, MXL, Paul Pavlov) went to Facilities ... There we 
saw Wolf'a who sat and drank vodka. Can say he was nothing. As 
soon as we arrived we were asked to drink ... After drinking, I 
tried to drink limonadikom stood side by side, but there was 
moonshine (!)... Wolf'a quite cover and he began to drink vodka 
from a throat, spoke of cheap taxis in St. Petersburg, shish 
kebab, and all the while calling all to go to Ozerki (as he 
said - "Kaw-CAV-CAV-kagorskie Lake"). I have something to start 
sleepy, and I went to the office where made himself tables but 
there's already someone dryh ... I have not experienced for a 
long time and returned to the hall. There already was something 
strange: Wolf began to whoop and MXL tried to pacify him, but 
then they both crashed between chairs, Paul all the fun of the 
spectacle, then they Max led Wolf'a some sleep in one of the 
classrooms. I was look for a place where you can go to sleep. 
Backstage all places have been busy in the hall benches, too, I 
moved a chair and tried to sleep ... But fuck with two! I could 
not sleep, body require any spree and wanted podeboshirit, but

I restrained myself and decided to join MXL'u, which has already
back ...

 MXL: ... but to sleep I definitely do not want, and then I 
stumbled upon on Random'a, his brother and two other Sanka 
Petersburg with them (this Slay not remember now what are their 
names). Let's go have a smoke, but start away from sleeping on 
a bench in the vestibule Artie keys school. Received an idea to 
go for the women, and for a beer ... 

 john> Then I imagined how I would be fucked in the morning if I
Now I will not go to sleep and refusing to offer a walk I
disappeared ...

 MXL: ... and where to go, but disco? That's five of us went!
Came upon a building with a sign "Prometheus. Disco Night"
sent the two for a beer in a wheelbarrow to the nearest subway 
station, and envoys on their arrival with a beer taxied to the 
disco. Road blocked by security and asked to pay a 25 ruble, but

after a brief conversation with them, we skip straight to the 
beer for hundred! heh! Short time we spent there! About an hour 
later we thence asked all the same protection due to smoking in 
the wrong site (after two warnings):) Since the end of disco

left half an hour (the time it was already 6 am!), and who is 
still like bab (and who does it?)), we send two more for beer,

I otmazatsya of the trip (for which I Rend today, all expressed 
in irc, who also sponsored the purchase). Only the people 
crowded to disco, all the same Rend (all about him tell you!) 
with bratelnikom rushed for two ... The girls, and we hope

that they were broken off to wait. Half an hour passed, but 
they do not returned. It was then up to us and realized that 
waiting in principle useless. I started to freeze. One went 
home to sleep, but we two of us went back to school. Oh, and 
bummer is waiting for us! Rend something with the keys left! I 
had to yell to open a window and climb on grating on the second 
floor (but the glass broke n e, we let us do not say!) along 
the way I dropped my jar of beer ... : (, But continue hitting 
in the heat, I immediately turned on the autopilot and I'm 
reaching to lay the scene:) on the piano that was standing 
there ... 

                       Construction of Chaos

                  (Day Two: still alive)

 john> ... lift my eyelids ((c) the Wii), run the brains ...
Red light blinking, indicating that the system is loaded,
set received eye, sharpness, instal complite ...
A quick check of the swap last night. Oh ... Oooo!.
Paul sits and makes fun of me. I almost woke up.
I hear you, Paul says: go go down behind the stage, where 50 
spektrumistov sleep and one Maxwell on piano! :-) I went and I 
was on probilvaet 'Ha ha'. There really MXL asleep on the 
piano! (Here it is, this music maker! even in a dream not far 
from a musical tool!) :-) I ran for the camera. Then I went to 
the SRU'ushnikam. The people there have already collected and 
brought to the Cabinet state, similar to the original. Vanek 
was searching for his shoes. Then they all joined with the 
search, CPU'shniki worried: they Soon the train, and shoes not 
... Thank God after a long search found them. The people in the 
room begins to rebound ... Organizers pati what sovetuyutsya, 
heard talk of broken glass on hall ran rumor that the second 
day will be canceled, then rumor about the money that will be 
taken further. Watch MXL has dryhnet on chairs in the front 
row, then moved :-) ... Organizers explained their plan of 
action for the day: first, need to bring Hall back to normal, 
clean up, then all thrown out of the room, collect from each of 
Chiriqui and pati is continued. Everybody was asked to leave 
the premises ... 

 MXL> ... did not manage to close my eyes as I was already 
awake type: Get up, come to Rend and all the drives from the 
school until 12:00, but not so easy to wake me after a 
sleepless night and a drunk, say half an hour I was raised ...

john> ... 20 minutes, tried to push apart, and it all do not 
care ... 

 MXL: ... nothing wondering still on autopilot, I emerged from 
the school after someone ... later these 'someone' turned out 
to be MMA, ZS, Flying, Mr.John and CPU'shniki (they had to go 
away, so they were unable to buy tickets for Monday), we must 
have Zhenya ask who else was with us. :)) Refreshed, I like

alive ...

 john> ... and then went into a courtyard, sat, chatted,
warmed in the sun. Carried out the CPU to the metro ...

 MXL: ... and go back to school, as we waited in front of the 
second Day Structural Chaos ...

                       Construction of Chaos

                   (Night full of adventure)

 MXL: After the party we had for a long time to gather all 
those who I've thought of going to the station, it's us then 
auknulos. Wolf and Paul where something happened, and we (9 
people) decided to get to Moscow station and spend the night 

 john> MMA somewhere found a house that would stay the night, 
but then he said that we will not give up and go with us ...

 MXL: We went to the metro we caught up with DR'ovtsy (5 more 
alive until people), the subway reached the very station where 
it was necessary to the surface and ride the bus. OZ show

striptease, pereodevayas right at the stop. 15 minutes waiting
bus, which then also played a role. When we arrived
it turned out that the metro had just closed (!) bummer! To 
station almost half of the city to go to tomuzhe nobody knows 
at what go. It was decided to have a snack, and then persuading 
some cage bus to take us at least to the Neva. Ha! All somehow

drove into the garage, and completely in the opposite direction 
(namely, to where we had just arrived). The idea to walk to 
nobody liked, but I had to. Well that Zhenya was with a map,

at least for her except the names of the central avenues of 
more nifiga and it was not. So it went, every five minutes 
checking the map and discussing various topics. It was getting 
dark, and we walked and walked. By road maintenance crews met, 
closed shops (eh! What furniture was in one of them! so anxious

land on the couch!) and lonely passers ...

 john> ... as it is, I stirred up the people to go and all 
peshkarusom go sick jokes were heard addressed to me: I can 
type all leading in the opposite direction? (... Let's cut off 
Susanin leg, do not should not have to, I remembered the way 
...). :-) We walked along the Grand Sampsonevsky Prospect (In 
Ulyanovsk tratuary wider than this Prospect :-)). Arty said 
that we are sort of right. I Max said that if the front is a 
tall building, it is Hotel Saint-Petersburg "and then we can 
say come. There, and Aurora will stand ... And the bridge on 
the other side. 

 MXL: That seemed to come right turn, and all appeared
hope, and maybe still we reach (?) and came! But so far only
the Neva and went to a hotel in St. Petersburg, naprtiv
which is Aurora! Hooray! all drawn to stand on the waterfront
and to look at local attractions, someone said that
never saw the bridges, then that is what happened
Once he told his phrase about the bridges as the first one, and 
then and the second bridge began to climb higher and higher! 
Everything! Profit! We are on the ODN th shore station to 
another, the metro is closed, and until 4:20 hence we can not 
escape! Ah! Where we did not disappear! Landed on the bench 
right outside the hotel, okay even at all, except Arty and 
SergSoft'a warm clothing was, but they in shirts short sleeve 
had hard times! Cold still night! 

 john> ... slowly drove Cop UAZ. Someone from the DR
proposed switch to English, what would we have taken on 
foreigners and not taken :-) vocabulary consisted of several 
phrases: "Fuck you, shit, do you speak English" ...

 MXL: Three of the DR went in search of something:) and
others tried to sleep on the spot, but not nifiga
it turned out, fell jokes, MMA has gone to the hotel to learn 
for the sake of fun, how much is the cheapest room at night, 
when he came then the first things asked Artie about the cost 
of the ticket for Assembly. Hmm! You can get there and still 
just burst into beer, for those money that they asked for a 
room, it cost $ 60! We would have been remove only the toilet 
and then, without the possibility of using it to intended 
purpose, then had an idea to move on Finland Station Still, he 
was on this coast, and freeze on the windswept benches nobody 
else Wanted (But Artie said that there without tickets are not 
allowed) searchers returned to the trio (and we have Hoth 
themselves whether to go to search) and all moved on ...

 john> I went to the end of our columns, with someone talking 
(in my opinion with the MMA), here from somewhere not undertake 
a cat jumped out and ran straight at us, I really just was not 
scared :-) but then the cat jumped on the wall, and flew in an 
arc over our heads :-) Well, the same wild cats in Peter :-)!

 MXL: ... rolled into the courtyard and ... there was a stop
old, but with benches there that we clearly stated on 2 hours, 
though wind does not blow, refreshed, someone fell asleep, I 
personally and could not (all you can break your back on these 
boards) is where the started .. of only Flying'u sleep as his 
brothers began pin up on him so that in my housemates wake up

Steel, sorry Flying, but we have a photo>;)) well and further
left to wait for when they return to the place of the bridges 

 john> ... I lay down on my bag and fell asleep, then woke me up
Max ...

 MXL: ... closer to the hour of X, we went to the bridge and as 
soon as it set, we started off ...

 john> MMA braked a taxi and asked for how many of us to dovezut
Moscow railway station. Total sum of its shows were not 
satisfied and he dismissed Taxi to the free bread. And we are 
walking up to Liteinyi and Nevsky finally saw the station ...

 MXL: ... at the station we left Serge, the station DR'ovtsy us
there were 8 people who somehow got to the waiting room and
fell to the seat (their mother! such ruleznye seats were 
replaced by iron is nothing on which we had to spend the night 
in Moscow of y on FunTop'e!) on the morning of MMA called us to 
Zonov, but I have even hands could not open his eyes and went 
nowhere, came from Prof jtn'om and we waited for each of its 
trains, it turned out that I spent all those who remained at 
the station (Mr.John, Prof and jtn went to Zonov), namely, two 
guys from Beermanz, two of Eternity Indusry and another self-do 
not know-who:) 

john> It was fyRex aka Andrey Lysenko.

 MXL: ... and in the evening and he went to Moscow, where he 
stayed for another day. In A total of 2.5 I have not slept the 
night plus a night hike on the Peter at a distance of about 
30-km ... :) 

 john> Our Max and parted ways: he went home to
Ulyanovsk, I was in St. Petersburg for two days, and walked 
with Prof'om jtn'om, escorted them to Moscow. The next day I 
vytsepil MMA with ZS'om, and I about them :-) himself 
poshlyalsya by Peter and then went to Vologda, and then in 
Ulyanovsk ... 

                      That's the way it was!

 PS: Just do not think that such events are coming
just for that! ;)

And now, thanks to:

Organizing Committee of CC 'and personally Random'u (for the 
very party) Arty / DR / HRz (for having helped in difficult 
times) MagiC / XTM (for food, water, tea, etc.):)

Mike Blum (for trying to semulit SD on GS)
Elf, Chasm, MMA, Wolf, ZS, Paul Pavlov (guess what);)

Other articles:

AOSS - "The scene is sick" experiences Random'a.

AOSS - Raver discusses stsenovoy journalism.

AOSS - an analytical article on the music scene from Andy Fer.

AOSS - how easy is it to be the organizer of the group?

AOSS - On journals (thinking aloud).

AOSS - on the example of the canons of demoscene magazine Deja Vu # 9.

AOSS - Today and Tomorrow domestic demoscene.

AOSS - Spectrum banner network.

Charts - all time favorites.

Charts - current rules (fall edition 1999).

Charts - indexed.

Charts - voting rules.

Coding - 16-bit procedure is fast exponentiation.

Coding - Flying is makrobiblioteku: Memory Management Library.

Coding - Texture Mapping - Implementation of SaiR00S/EI.

Coding - Texture mapping + Phong shading implementation of the Senat / Eternity Industry.

Coding - ZXA library: a library for creating and playing animations.

Coding - A bug in the STS?

Coding - Comments to the sources, published in Scenergy # 1

Coding - the libraries of programming on the Spectrum.

Coding - The principle of packing animations in the demo JAM.

Coding - procedure for rapid multiplication.

Coding - parsing intro Daingy from Cryss / Razzlers.

Demo Party - Cafe'2000: Official invitation

Demo Party - CC999.999 information (eng).

Demo Party - D-Man/EI: Report on Di: Halt: 99.

Demo Party - Hartman: report CC'999.

Demo Party - Maxwell and Mr. John: report CC'999.

Demo Party - Merlin / CC: Report CC'999.

Demo Party - Paradox'99 - as it was, but it would be better if he mUst dIe!!!

Demo Party - PHAT'9: list of visitors.

Demo Party - POL / PHT: report Doxycon '99.

Demo Party - Random / CC: volumetric report CC'999.

Demo Party - SerzhSoft: Legend of the CC'999.

Demo Party - Zlincon 2e3 party: minireportazh.

Demo Party - information about the upcoming party PHAT'0.

Demo Party - Information on demoparti CC999.999.

Demo Party - unofficial results Di: Halt'99 with comments Diver'a.

Demo Party - an overview of demoscene 1999.

Demo Party - report the organizers CAFe'99.

Demo Party - Press release Latvian demopati PHAT'9.

Demo Party - an invitation to Latvia demopati PHAT'9.

Demo Party - a story about a trip to Kazan on Antares CAFe'99

Demo Party - Results CC.999.999

Demo Party - Results CC999.999.

Demo Party - the results of Chaos Construction 999.

Demo Party - Results Computer Art Festival 1999.

Demo Party - Results Doxycon'99.

Demo Party - Results Millenium Party.

Demo Party - Results Paradox'2k demoparty.

Demo Party - Results of the Latvian demopati PHAT'9.

Demo Party - the results of the Rostov party Paradox'99.

Demo Party - reportage Gasman'a with Forever 2e3.

Demo Party - a report from Minsk demopati Millennium'2000.

Demo Party - final results Forever 2E3.

Editorial - Opening remarks by Arty.

Editorial - vystupitelnoe word from Random.

Editorial - pens Raver'a entitled "Scenes."

Groups - survey of operating groups: Amaltiya Incoropration Software.

Groups - survey of operating groups: Antares.

Groups - survey of operating groups: Ascendancy Creative Labs.

Groups - survey of operating groups: Crushers.

Groups - survey of operating groups: E-mage.

Groups - survey of operating groups: Eternity Industry.

Groups - survey of operating groups: Excess team.

Groups - survey of operating groups: Extreme Entertainment.

Groups - survey of operating groups: Fatality.

Groups - survey of operating groups: Jupiter 77.

Groups - survey of operating groups: Proxima Centauri.

Groups - survey of operating groups: RaZZLeRs.

Groups - survey of operating groups: RUSH.

Groups - survey of operating groups: Smash Hackers Band.

Illegal Corner - Razzlers justified for the release of the demo First Association.

Illegal Corner - Scenergy Release Charts - Competition crack.

Illegal Corner - Welcome to Scenergy Release Charts (SRC).

Illegal Corner - softografiya Fatality Group.

Lits - Pussy: the history of creation of the famous game from the Fatality.

Lits - Scenergized beyond the belief.

Lits - speed.

Lits - History of Education Association Rostov PartyZans.

Lits - the story of the game "White Eagle - Comrade known."

Lits - the story of how Fatality produces toys.

Mail Box - letter: Ellvis and Fatality happy Scenergy # 1, Ulterior defy Antares and BrainWave, Realtimer disappointed.

News - Doom'a will not!

News - Virtual pati Millennium, X-Raizor returned to the stage, Andrew Fer organized a new group, the failure of the German party Spectrology, news from 3SC, Zero Team, Extreme.

News - The view of Megus'a dentro compo SS'2000.

News - News from the OHG, Delta Hackers Group, Die Crupps, Volgodonsk spektrumisto and from a group SpeedWay.

Scenergy - addresses to communicate with the editors.

Scenergy - thanks to the sponsors of the magazine.

Scenergy - new in the shell of the journal.

Scenergy - the promised video articles will not ...

VIP - Random interviews Unbel! Ever / Sage / XTM.

VIP - The most noble tale of the scene.

VIP - an interview with Arny and Mythos, the creators of Elite clone game Awaken.

VIP - An interview with Fatality, widely known and crackers Game Maker

VIP - an interview with one of the authors of the game Elite.

VIP - an interview with one of the most progressive artists in the Spectrum Diver/4D.

VIP - interviews with Random'a some PC-magazine

Warez Pack - description of Inertia Player.

Warez Pack - description of the demo 1140.

Warez Pack - description of the import demo 'no work'.

Темы: Игры, Программное обеспечение, Пресса, Аппаратное обеспечение, Сеть, Демосцена, Люди, Программирование

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В этот день...   19 May